indicator species
- 指示物种;指标种;指示生物

Well , you should care because they 're an indicator species .
Important Indicator Species ( Trichoptera grubs ) in Water Quality Monitoring on Biological Method
Indicator species of the seven major plant communities were determined by examining the indicator value .
The study on pollen rain of characteristic indicator species has important significance for reconstructing paleo_ecological environment .
Ecological assessment of the Yangtze River eco-system with benthic invertebrate as indicator species
The diversity , dominant species and the best indicator species of each community varied seasonally . 3 .
Identification of Indicator Species of Paralytic Shellfish Poison
The scores of ordination were then used for a two way indicator species analysis ( TWINSPAN ) to the species .
The effects of different land-use scenarios on habitat suitability of indicator species in the Liaohe River Delta wetlands
Through the investigation , 35 species of Rotifera were found , of which 18 species were pollution indicator species .
It said that frogs are an " indicator species " . That frogs will die first because of the sensitivity .
The vegetation individuals and attributes in Loess Plateau were classified by GIS technology and TWINSPAN ( two-way indicator species analysis ) .
The microalgae are the key primary producer of Antarctic biological chain , and the Antarctic ice algae are good indicator species for the ecological environment .
Egret is a kind of widely distributed wetland water bird . Due to its high demands on the environment , it is an important indicator species of environmental quality .
Increasingly rare because of fishing , pollution , and loss of habitat due to human activity , these so-called megafishes can be indicator species of aquatic ecoystems .
62 samples collected in Midpiece of Zhongtiao Mountains were classified into 16 associations by Two-way Indicator Species Analysis ( TWINSPAN ) .
Tree Sparrow , Magpie , Great Spotted Woodpecker , Ring Dove and Hoopoe can be applied as indicator species to estimate the quality of the urban environment .
Based on 75 recorded moss species and their coverage , Two-way Indicator Species Analysis ( TWINSPAN ) and Detrended Correspondence Analysis ( DCA ) were used to analyze their distribution patterns .
The main results and conclusions of the study were as follows : ( 1 ) The study investigated the tendencies of major climatic factors of typical regions and different indicator species of the grasslands in the loess plateau .
Investigate vegetation and soil by sampling method and Line transects from June to August between 2005 and 2009 , and come to understand status and recovery of vegetation in Yanchi county by using TWINSPAN two-way indicator species classification and Plant diversity calculation .
Ecosystem health assessment mainly has two methods : one is indicator species assessment , and the other is structure and function index assessment which includes single index assessment , complex index assessment , and index system assessment which includes natural index system assessment and social-economic-natural index system assessment .
Spatial diversity index was cited to describe the wild life habitat pattern quantitatively . And the habitat pattern change of wild animals and red-crowned cranes ( Grus japonensis ), as indicator species , between 1988 and 1998 was analyzed .
There were 74 fish species in these waters , belonging to 8 orders , 16 families , most were indicator species in North China Region , Ningxia-Mongolia Region and West China Region . Also , there were some representative species in East China and South China .
Great Gerbil ( Rhombomys opimus ) is a typical desert rodent species in the desert and semi-desert habitats in central Asia , so it is regarded as one of the indicator species of Palaearctic desert and semi-desert .
Based on the survey of community plots , a quantitative analysis of endangered Acanthopanax senticosus communities in Dongling Mountain was performed with two way indicator species analysis ( TWINSPAN ), detrended correspondence analysis ( DCA ) and canonical correspondence analysis ( CCA ) . The communities of A.
Water quality was evaluated with three biological standards ( Q B / T , Shannon & Weiner diversity index and indicator organisms of dominant species ) .
( b ) plant community degraded as a major form of structural decline , its species compositional change have hysteresis effect , and community structure may be more sensitive indicator to disturbance than species composition .